Purition Malta

Why Purition?

We offer a unique range of specially formulated lifestyle products, to help people maintain a balanced diet and achieve goals naturally.


Training and fitness goals can be reached with our 100% natural range of sports nutrition. Rather than using a dizzying range of synthetic flavors and colours, cheap ingredients, and fillers as many grab-and-slam "nutrition" shakes do, Purition is 100% natural, meaning there's nothing artificial about it. Each serving contains 20 grams of whey protein, vitamins and minerals and fiber for sustainable, not turn-and-burn, energy. But the real ace in the hole is the rich flavour.


By using Purition, be safe in the knowledge that there are absolutely ‘no nasties’ added, so the body recognizes every ingredient and it’s benefits and knows exactly what to do with them and how to use them – As nature intended.

Nutritionists recommend that breakfast should provide about 20-25% of our daily calorie needs and like any other meal, a good breakfast is a balanced one. Purition is an excellent breakfast, made with seeds, nuts and milk. Adding a piece of fruit will increase its nutritional value, providing a balanced meal.

Cutting calories while getting proper nutrition can be hard, expensive, and time-consuming. Purition products provide only natural & balanced nutrition. To make a meal, mix 4 or 5 scoops (40-50g) of shake mix into milk, almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk or soy milk and blend.

The advantages of nuts and seeds lie in their healthy fatty acids, which fight cell oxidation, resulting from free radicals, stress and inflammation. Such fats protect our cells from damage and carcinogens.

Simply a meal or snack "supplement" to be used when real food isn't an option or when convenience is more important. It is a great-tasting option designed to help people stay on track while they are adjusting to eating low-carb or in need of a quick meal or snack. Many people would like to cut grains and sugars, but are concerned they can't find enough "easy" things to have around the house for those times when they're tempted to reach for carbs.


Many common ailments begin as a result of eating highly processed foods, which have low nutritional value, are high in bad fats and low in soluble fiber. We believe a healthy digestive system is crucial for your overall health as it is the mechanism, which converts food into fuel and supplies the energy to power our body and resist disease. If our body is unable to process food properly, essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals will just simply pass through our system undigested.

Diets rich in whole, unrefined foods, like nuts and seeds, contain high concentrations of antioxidant phenolics, more complex micronutrients, natural fibre and numerous other phytochemicals that may be protective against chronic diseases.

Try it yourself, order our Mixed Box of Samples online, and we will have it delivered for you for free!

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